Wk2: Mini Lit Review
Research this week’s discussion topic, The future of remote work OR Building the right culture for remote teams. You may choose either topic; don’t try to do both! You will write a Mini Lit Review using at least four quality articles on the topic for this week. Your Mini Lit Review must include the following:
- An introduction that states your thesis and communicates the organization of the mini-lit review
- An analysis of the topics, concepts, and theories central to your topic
- A discussion of the themes, debates, or gaps in the literature
- An analysis of how the articles apply to the current issue, including a critical evaluation of the premise, methodology, contributions, and limitations of each source
- A conclusion that summarizes the key points discusses the implications and ensures that your readers understand the key takeaways from your review.
- Full bibliographic information (in APA format)
Source Requirements: Because this is a current trends course, some of your sources will come from periodicals or non-scholarly sources. At least one-half of your references should come from scholarly resources. Avoid low-quality sources. These include (but are not limited to) Wikipedia, many newspapers, many advocacy organizations, and popular press articles. Information from the Internet (such as a Google search) is rarely high quality and is not acceptable unless it is from a high-quality journal, periodical, or research source that is also published to the Web. Instead, please use library databases for your research. The best databases to use include:
- Business Source Complete
- ProQuest Central
The body of each week’s mini lit review should be 4-6 pages in length (in APA format, double-spaced, 12 pt font). Title your paper LastName_FirstInitialWk2.