World Literature Essay #1
Choose two of the texts listed below and write an essay in which you explore the way these two texts address a theme of your choosing.
- The Hebrew Bible
- Confucius, Analects
- The Bhagadvad-Gita
- The Quran
- The Epic of Gilgamesh
- The Iliad
- Beowulf
- Marie de France, Lais
- Augustine, Confessions
You may select any one of the themes below. If you wish to write on your own theme, you must get approval from me before you begin to write.
- Obedience
- Friendship
- Desire
- Rage
- Female characters and femininity
- Male characters and masculinity
- War
- Death
Tips for Getting Started:
- Once you have made your selections above, you must examine the texts to arrive at a thesis, which will be your statement about what you think these works suggest about your theme.
- Each body paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that pertains to your thesis.
- Each body paragraph should include quotations from both texts.
- In your interpretation and work with these quotations, you should aim to show how these texts achieve what you have claimed is their comment on your theme.
- Quote the text directly and draw out meaning by paying close attention to wording, images, metaphors, dialogue, or characterization. You do need to address all of these things. I simply offer them as a few valuable approaches.
- Offer a title that encapsulates your argument.
Essay Details:
- Your essay must be typed and submitted to CANVAS by the due date listed above.
- Essay must be at least 750 words (3 full pages), double spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font.
- Upload your essay as a Word Document
- Do not do your own research; rely only on the texts you have chosen
- Use MLA formatting
World literature essay