Write down the IDEAL SOLUTION to the issue that you have talked about in power and politics. If you invented the PERFECT answer to the policy problem, what would perfection look like? How might this solution change or increase the POLITY in our society? How might this solution create greater EQUITY in our society? How might this solution increase overall levels of SOCIAL JUSTICE in our society? (How would it remedy groups who have been treated unfairly?)How might this ideal solution increase the power of people compared to the power of ELITES? How might this solution increase the power of people or the voice of the people within our REPUBLIC?….You must write down the ideal solution BECAUSE you need it as a foundation for the other questions.Please asnwer 3 of the 5 concept questions. (How might…)……….. DEFINITIONS (from early in January)Definitions for you to use:The polity is the group of people within a society that are expected to officially participate in political decisions. For example, today 18 year olds are part of the U.S. polity; before, the 1970s, 18 years old generally could not legally vote and therefore were NOT part of the polity. How would your solution change or increase the number of participants in voting or political choices? Equity is the concept that societies need to attend to the different STARTING points that individuals encounter in life. For example, a person who grows up in Beverly Hills, California PROBABLY has greater material resources (money) than a person who grows up in Corona, New York. How would it create more fairness amonst individuals? Social Justice is the idea that socieites need to attend to and actively heal the injuries of past and present. A person who is concerned with social justice would note, for example, that segregation created subtle patterns that still continue. A social justice advocate would then try to actively CHANGE these pattern. In most societies, some people have more influence than others. Elite influence is not always bad; but, it is best if it is balanced by democratic participation. A Democratic Theorist would be interested in developing ways that people can be ENCOURAGED to speak and organize. Our Constitution creates a republic — a society where there is some democracy BUT that still leaves room for elite appointments (for example, the Supreme Court). SLOWLY, our society is becoming more democratic and responsive to the people. How would your solution INCREASE the voice or power of the people or democratic processes in our society?
Write down the IDEAL SOLUTION to the issue that you have talked about in power and politics. If you invented the PERFECT answer to the policy problem, what would perfection look like? How might thi