Formula for Essays
The topic is a personal narrative (story) about an event in your life from which you learned a valuable lesson
Hook: Include attention-getter such as quotation, anecdote, statistic, etc.
Thesis:Statetopic ,stateyourpointofview/opinionontopic (thisisalsoknownasthecontrollingidea) , state briefly yourbodyparagraphtopics(atleastthree
1) 2)
BodyParagraph 1
TopicSentence: (copy and paste from or intothesis)
Supporting Detail1:
Supporting Detail 2:
Concluding Sentence:
Body Paragraph 2
TopicSentence: (copy and paste from or intothesis)
Supporting Detail1
SupportingDetail2: SupportingDetail3: Concluding Sentence: Body Paragraph 3
TopicSentence: (copy and paste from or intothesis)
Supporting Detail1:
SupportingDetail3: ConcludingSentence:
Conclusion: Restate your thesis or the key points of your essay, and it may include a call to action, if mentioned in your thesis, when paper is persuasive. NEVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, USE SOURCE MATERIAL OR NEW INFORMATION IN YOUR CONCLUSION. THIS ERROR IS SO EGREGIOUS; IT COULD CAUSE YOU TO FAIL YOUR ASSIGNMENT!